
Solarize Garland Information Meeting 3/13/2014
The information meeting presentation is available at this link

Solarize Garland Kickoff Meeting 1/30/2014
The Kickoff meeting presentation slides are available at this link.

Homework for Enrollees
The homework task will help enrollees determine if their home has a suitable orientation for PV Solar, their annual electricity usage in kWh (kilowatt-hours) and the approximate size of the PV solar system they need.


  1. Sorry I missed the kickoff meeting, I had not heard about it. I am a Garland resident and solar installer. Please let me know about any further activity or if there is anything that I can do with the group
    Thomas Edds
    Electric Distribution & Design Systems
    214 679-5458

  2. Please use the contact us page is you have questions about Solarize Garland.
